Hi. I’m Josh and I started this blog after reading Show Your Work by Austin Kleon.
In his book, Kleon says:
“Facebook asks you to indulge yourself by asking “How are you feeling?” Or “What’s on your mind?” Instead focus on answering the question: “What are you working on? Don’t show your lunch or your latte, show your work.“
I thought that was a great idea so I decided to do it.
And so now, “publishing” is something I do on a regular basis. My goal, which I admit I stray from, is to honestly document my journey so I can help others quit their jobs and work from home full-time. I worked in Corporate America for nearly 5 years before I quit in 2011 to freelance full-time.
I’ve made a decent living as a freelance copywriter for the last 10 years. It’s allowed me to work from home (or my RV) and see my wife and four kids more, which is my favorite part of what I do (my family blog is here).
But after 10 years of working as a freelancer I felt stuck. I realized I went from the Employee Quadrant to the Self-Employed Quadrant, instead of the Business Owner Quadrant.
In other words, I quit my job and ended up working another job, one I created.
It was an interesting journey going from being an employee to being self-employed. And I wish I would have blogged about that.
But I have a sense that this new adventure of going from self-employed to business owner will be even more interesting. It reminds me of a quote by Dan Sullivan who says:
“The skills that got you out of Egypt aren’t the same skills that will get you to the Promised Land.”
My goal is to be as honest as I can on here so my readers get an accurate view of what it’s like being an entrepreneur. I’ll share my mistakes, my wins, my lessons and my processes with you.
So that’s a little about me and about jmonen.com. I hope you enjoy this blog and if you want to stay up to date then make sure you subscribe (I use Feedly to subscribe and read blogs and love it).
– Josh